1. Cultures in Wonosobo
· Ruwatan Rambut Gembel (Sticky and Twisted Hair Ritual)
This ritual is a tradition lived in Kejajar district, positioned about 17 kilometers northern of Wonosobo capital regency. In this region, many children have sticky and twisted hairs (rambut gembel), and according to local tale, these sticky and twisted hairs are given by someone called Ki Kolodete. Locals say that rambut gembel is a disaster, so a ritual for rambut gembel must be held. When rambut gimbal is cutted without ceremony the children will be ill-weakly. In traditional ceremonies the child can ask anything, and the parents must be accepted. Sometimes the requests are unique such as a box of eggs, a suck of chicken, etc. If ruwatan not upon a request, even though cutting has been done, the gembel will oddly grown again, according to some expert, rambut gembel might have been hereditary disease or phatological symptom, owing to the fact that their descendant, Ki Kolodete also had Rambut Gembel.
· Nyadran Suran of Gianti sub-Villagers
This ritual is an anniversary ceremony for Gianti sub-village, a part of Kadipaten village, Selomerto district. It is often then followed by a ritual called Merdi Dusun combined with Tenongan ceremony. After the activities, then an art performance is held on the night until day changing to next. This is an expression of gratitude to God.
· Nyadran Suran of Pagerejo Villagers
This ritual is almost the same as the one in Gianti sub-village. It is held every Syuro 1st. In this ritual, Pagarejo villagers do bathing ceremony in Surodilogo spring, to clean the bodies and souls of villagers. This is also an expression of gratitude to God.
2. Indonesian Culture
Indonesian culture is multicultural, Indonesian culture is not plural because plural refer to the Indonesian people. It is multicultural because there are many different cultures from different areas. Indonesia is a plural nation but the culture is multicultural, and there is an understanding and a respect of different culture. For example, Batak people that live in Java Island, which have Batak cultures, understand and respect to the Java cultures and vice versa. So they can live together in one social area as a group.
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